Friday, 22 May 2009

Searching for the meaning of the Web

Over the past few months I have been having a bloody good go at electronic socialising, search engine optimization and generally trying to get connected. As you know my original site is and , which has taken the majority of my focus. This site was developed with the knowledge gained from a business link internet optimization course and picking the brains of any techie I come across. Since then it’s been about getting links back to my island (the internet site) so that lots of people know about it and can get there as well as Mr Google taking note that it exists. This began with uk Link exchange, putting sites in contact with each other to trade links. I have also emails a good list of local businesses to trade links.
And then comes the social networking sites of which I have twitter, so please follow me and keep me up to date with what you have been up to . Join my facebook group . I even have a linked in account, although I only have one friend so I’m open for offers.

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